Operations Engineering Runbooks
These runbooks are designed to provide information and instructions to the Operations Engineering Team when provisioning and supporting tools and services.
What We Don’t Support
Refer to this runbook for a list of services not supported by Operations Engineering, Slack channel contacts, etc to refer users to.
- Exporting passwords from 1Password
- 1Password User Account Recovery
- Groups and Vaults
- 1Password Chrome extension shortcut conflict
- Users unable to import via the 1Password App
- Recycle Inactive User Accounts
- Alternative ways to share vaults and passwords
- Requests for AWS Account Access
- AWS Credentials Remediation Process
- Add OIDC between AWS and GitHub
- YJAF AWS IAM Account Creation
- YJAF AWS Password Resets
- YJAF AWS IAM Account Deletion
- Manual SSL Certificate Processes
- Respond to expired certificates
- Configuring the Certificate Mappings File
- Register new gov uk subdomain
- Register new service.gov.uk subdomain
- Register new justice.gov.uk or service.justice.gov.uk subdomain
- Register New Defensive Domain
- Domain Transfers for Non-gov.uk subdomains
- Delegate existing gov.uk subdomain
- Delegate existing service.gov.uk subdomain
- Delegation of subdomains
- Decommissioning Domains
- How to check for domain activity before decommissioning
- How to manually recover deleted DNS records
- How to delete a Hostedzone
- Redirecting Domains
- DNS for services using e-mail
- Add GitHub User
- Adding an SSH Key to GitHub
- Handling Third Party GitHub Requests
- Add GitHub collaborators from a fork PR
- Branch Protection Settings and Issues
- How to respond to a low GitHub seats alert
- How to respond to a low Github Actions minutes alert
- Dormant User Process
- Repository Terraform
- Review Organisation PAT Requests
OS Data Hub
- Create a Sentry Internal Integration
- Disabling sending errors to a project in Sentry
- Respond to Sentry Usage Alerts
How to be Support
Operations Engineering Communication Plan
Operations Engineering Team
MoJ Organisation Leavers
Internal Processes
- Add a Runbook
- Add a Slack Alert to our Alert Channel
- Manage Slack RSS Feeds
- Python Best Practice
- Risk Review
- Testing and Release Process
- Incident Response
- Post-Incident Review Proceses
- Incident Log
- Responding to Dependency Alerts
- Secret Naming Convention
- Software Procurement Processes
Architecture Decision Records
This is a record of architectural decisions made by the Operations Engineering Team
To understand why we are recording decisions and how we are doing it, please see ADR-000
- 🤔 Proposed
- ✅ Accepted
- ❌ Rejected
- ⌛️ Superseded
- ♻️ Amended
This page was last reviewed on 3 March 2025.
It needs to be reviewed again on 3 September 2025
by the page owner #operations-engineering-alerts
This page was set to be reviewed before 3 September 2025
by the page owner #operations-engineering-alerts.
This might mean the content is out of date.