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ADR-014: Creating a Risk Review Process


✅ Accepted


We as the Operations Engineering are responsible for managing multiple tools like GitHub and Sentry, and defining technical standards across those tools. As our operational landscape becomes increasingly complex, there is a growing need to systematically identify, categorise, and mitigate risks associated with our services.


We have decided to implement a formal Risk Review Process. This process will involve the creation and regular review of a Risk Register, which will track and quantify risks across different categories such as technical, operational, security, and compliance risks. The process will also include regular risk review meetings to assess and update the Risk Register.


Implementing this process will require time and resources to set up and maintain. Team members will need to be trained in the new process and might need to adjust their workflows to incorporate risk management tasks.


While the process will add an additional layer of operational tasks, the trade-off is a more controlled and transparent risk management approach. The potential for increased workload is balanced by the significant reduction in unforeseen issues and the enhanced ability to proactively address risks.

The benefits include:

  • Improved identification and management of risks.
  • Enhanced operational resilience and security.
  • Better compliance with regulatory standards.

Next Steps

To implement this initiative, we will:

  • Develop and distribute a Risk Register.
  • Establish guidelines for the Risk Review Process, including meeting frequency, participants, and procedures.
  • Train team members on how to identify and document risks.
  • Schedule the first series of risk review meetings.
This page was last reviewed on 13 May 2024. It needs to be reviewed again on 13 November 2024 by the page owner #operations-engineering-alerts .
This page was set to be reviewed before 13 November 2024 by the page owner #operations-engineering-alerts. This might mean the content is out of date.