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New Joiners Guide

When a new team member joins, follow this guide, and log completion in a ticket. You need to be a civil servant to complete the steps that require ServiceNow.

Order MacBook / Kit

To get a MacBook (e.g. for a new starter), order it in ServiceNow, by searching for “Mac” (not MacBook!). Service Now “Mac” Search

Request Google Workspace

Service Now


Slack tasks for the D&T Workspace

Add new team members to #operations-engineering-team, #operations-engineering-alerts, #ask-operations-engineering and #analytical-platform-support.

Ops-Engineering site

This site explains the Tools below. Details of vision for team, how we work, all our services, code and runbooks.

Technical Guidance site

This site has additional technical information and decisions.

Github Account

Setup a new account on Github or assign the digital justice email to your account and make it the primary email so that emails go to that email address.

MoJ Github

Runbook: Add user to GitHub

After the invitation has been accepted, check access to the Ministry of Justice organisation and the moj-analytical-services organisation.

Ask an existing team member to bump your account to a GitHub Owner.

Join the the operations-engineering team on both Organisations.

Access to project board(s)

We use the Operations Engineering GitHub Project to manage our workflow.

Access to Miro

Go to Miro and sign in using Google account. If it asks which project to join from a long list pick “Operations Engineering”. If it asks you to make a team create a random name team, then on the left hand side bar is a plus option to pick a project. Alternatively use the link to the board

A google account will enable log-ins to some/most of these tools MOJ provision however some may require licences to use full suite of apps ( e.g Miro for creating boards etc..).

Tooling for Local Development

New developers are recommended to have the following tools installed:

  • Homebrew
  • Python 3.11
  • Docker
  • Docker Compose
  • VSCode
  • kubectl
  • Terraform

This can be achieved by running the following script:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL" \
&& brew install --cask python@3.11 \
&& brew install --cask docker \
&& brew install docker-compose \
&& brew install --cask visual-studio-code \
&& brew install kubernetes-cli \ 
&& brew install tfenv \
&& tfenv install latest


A team member will send you an email invite to join 1Password.

Runbook: Add New Users to 1Password

Add to Administrators Group.


SSO using GitHub

Cloud Platform

Access controlled by addition to Ops Eng GitHub Team.

Google Groups

A team member will assign a new Google Group to your Google account:

  • Ops Eng Google Group
  • Certificates Google Group
  • Certificate Alerts Google Group
  • Domains Google Group

Google Drive

Adding team members to the Ops Eng Google Group should automatically add users to the shared Google Drive. If not, add new team members here

OS DataHub

Admin sets up the account, you will receive an email invite from Ordnance Survey, select the Government user option.

Admin sets up the account, you will receive an email invite from Gandi.

Ask an existing member to bump your account to Owner within your profile in the Members section. Use this link to to join Sentry using SSO GitHub


Access is via a shared user account that is stored in the shared area of passwords in LastPass.


Creds in Ops Eng Folder in LastPass. Will be in the shared area of passwords.


Runbook: Add user to Docker


Use SSO via GitHub to sign in.

Ask an existing member to bump your account to Owner by adding you to the owners team.

Ops-Eng Team Google Calendar

Use this invitation link to join the teams Google Calendar.

Alternatively, ask an existing member to open the settings for the team calendar and add you to the user section.

Share MoJ Digital Guide

Share this link:

This page was last reviewed on 7 February 2025. It needs to be reviewed again on 7 May 2025 by the page owner #operations-engineering-alerts .