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Renovate is similiar to Dependabot whereby it keeps source code dependencies up to date by scanning package manager files and then raising automated Pull Requests for updating versions.

Add/Remove a repository

To add a repository to renovate:

  1. Go to the Renovate App
  2. Scroll down to ‘Repository Access’
  3. Click on “Select Repository’ and find the repository to be added.
  4. Click on it to add it to the repository list and then click ‘Save’.

To remove a repository, find it in the list, click on the ‘X’ next to the repository name and then click ‘Save’.


Renovate Documentation

This page was last reviewed on 25 March 2024. It needs to be reviewed again on 25 September 2024 by the page owner #operations-engineering-alerts .
This page was set to be reviewed before 25 September 2024 by the page owner #operations-engineering-alerts. This might mean the content is out of date.