Add GitHub User
Adding a User to the Ministry of Justice GitHub Organization
GitHub is the MoJ’s product of choice for code source control
Users with a “” email address should be added to the Ministry of Justice GitHub Organization.
You must have access to a GitHub organization owner account either through:
- A personal GitHub account
- An Operations Engineering Service Account
Adding a User to the MoJ GitHub Organization
Login into the Ministry of Justice GitHub.
Go to “People”.
Click on “Invite member”
Enter either the users email or GitHub ID.
e.g. / al-ben
Ensure Member is selected unless instructed otherwise by Jake Mulley or Antony Bishop
Click “Send invitation”
The respective Admin of each GitHub team should be responsible for adding a User to their team so leave this unchecked.
This page was last reviewed on 5 November 2024.
It needs to be reviewed again on 5 February 2025
by the page owner #operations-engineering-alerts
This page was set to be reviewed before 5 February 2025
by the page owner #operations-engineering-alerts.
This might mean the content is out of date.