The purpose of this runbook is to help whoever is doing support with redirecting requests for services that we don’t manage. We have enough services to support. We don’t want to waste time trying to figure out if we support something.
Analytical Platform related requests
Redirect user to raise a Support Issue on data-platform-support repository
Azure App Insights
Redirect the user to #ask-digital-studio-ops Slack channel
Redirect user to #digital_it_forum Slack channel
Cloud Platform related requests
Redirect user to #ask-cloud-platform Slack channel
Redirect user to #digital_it_forum Slack channel
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
Redirect user to #network-operations or #ask-nvvs-devops Slack channel
Redirect user to #digital_it_forum Slack channel
Gov.uk Notify
Redirect user to Gov.uk Notify documenataion
GSuite or other Google Apps/Features
Redirect user to #digital_it_forum Slack channel
IntelliJ IDEA Licences
IntellIiJ licenses are a local area thing. This will be one for the users budget holder and the licensing/SAM team to help with. Redirect to [SoftwareAssetManagement@justice.gov.uk]((mailto:SoftwareAssetManagement@justice.gov.uk).
For Access redirect user to #digital_it_forum Slack channel For support queries redirect user to #jirahelp Slack channel
Redirect user to #digital_it_forum Slack channel
Modernisation Platform related requests
Redirect user to #ask-modernisation-platform Slack channel
MS Teams
Redirect user to #digital_it_forum Slack channel
Ordering IT Equipment
Redirect user to #digital_it_forum Slack channel
Redirect user to #digital_it_forum Slack channel
Redirect user to #digital_it_forum Slack channel
Redirect user to #digital_it_forum Slack channel
VPN questions
Redirect user to #digital_it_forum Slack channel