Add Docker User (Manual Process)
Docker Hub does currently have SSO setup at a PoC level, this document is mainly for backup process.
Manually adding a user to the Ministry of Justice Docker Organization
Docker is a MoJ’s product of choice for implementation of container images
Users on Mac require a license to user Docker due to a change in Dockers model.
You must have access to a Docker organization admin account either through:
- A personal Docker account
- The Operations Engineering Docker account (saved in LastPass)
Note - HMPPS also has a Docker for Business subscription. It is possible that a user may want to be added to a repo within that organisation. If that is the case please redirect the user to the #hmpps_dev slack channel.
Adding a User to the MoJ Docker Organization
Login into Docker.
Go to “Organizations”.
Click on “ministryofjustice”
Click “Add Member”.
Enter either the users email or Docker ID.
e.g. / autoben
Select the team the user has requested or “pushers” if none specified
Click “Add”
Notify the user that an invite has been sent to their email