How to export passwords from 1Password
This page contains the steps and requirements needed to export passwords from the Ministry of Justice 1Password Org.
The document only contains steps to export the Ministry of Justice organisation.
Exporting all Vaults
- 1Password CLI installed and authenticated
- Administrators permission on 1Password
- Export permissions on all Vaults (this is explained at the bottom of this page)
- The 1Password App installed locally
- Click the 3 dots at the top left of the 1Password App
- Press export -> Ministry of Justice
- Enter your password
- Press Export
Assigning Export permissions to all Vaults
Please ensure you run the second script to remove all Export permissions given as part of this process after completing
- 1Password CLI installed and authenticated
- Administrators permission on 1Password
- Run the following commands to add permissions
export ADMIN_GROUP_NAME="Administrators"
# Get the UUID of the Administrators group
ADMIN_GROUP_UUID=$(op list groups | jq -r '.[] | select(.name == "'$ADMIN_GROUP_NAME'") | .uuid')
# Get the UUIDs of the vaults that the Administrators group is part of
VAULT_UUIDS=$(op list vaults | jq -r '.[] | select(.groups[].uuid == "'$ADMIN_GROUP_UUID'") | .uuid')
# Grant export permissions to each vault
op vault add $VAULT_UUID --permission=Export
- Run the following commands to remove permissions
export ADMIN_GROUP_NAME="Administrators"
# Get the UUID of the Administrators group
ADMIN_GROUP_UUID=$(op list groups | jq -r '.[] | select(.name == "'$ADMIN_GROUP_NAME'") | .uuid')
# Get the UUIDs of the vaults that the Administrators group is part of
VAULT_UUIDS=$(op list vaults | jq -r '.[] | select(.groups[].uuid == "'$ADMIN_GROUP_UUID'") | .uuid')
# Remove export permissions from each vault
op vault remove $VAULT_UUID --permission=Export
This page was last reviewed on 5 November 2024.
It needs to be reviewed again on 5 February 2025
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