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Github Repository Terraform

In Operations Engineering we manage our GitHub Repositories through Terraform. Our repositories are defined in a Terraform stack in the operations-engineering repository. The stack uses our own module sourced via the Terraform registry as ministryofjustice/repository/github.

Create a new repository in the ministryofjustice organisation

Clone the operations-engineering repository:

Create a new branch. On this branch add a .tf file to the terraform/github/repositories directory with the same name as the repository you intend to create. In this file add the repository definition, see the module repository terraform-github-repository for full details. For example,

    module "example-repo" {
        source  = "ministryofjustice/repository/github"
        version = "0.0.7"

        name = "example-repo"
        description = "This is an example of how to define a repository in Terraform"
        topics      = ["a-topic", "another-topic]
        team_access = {
          admin = []

The team_access input creates a gituhub_team_repository association that grants a team a specified access level to the given repository. There are four access levels; admin, maintain, push (write), pull (read). To create an association to an existing team please add the team as a data source to the file and then reference it as above. For example, to add the operations-engineering team (where slug refers to its name in GitHub),

data "github_team" "operations_engineering" {
  slug = "operations-engineering"

The default GitHub organisation is ministryofjustice if you need to create a repository in another Ministry of Justice GitHub organisation please add it to the file as a provider with an alias. For example to add the ministryofjustice-test organisation:

provider "github" {
  alias = "ministryofjustice-test"
  token = var.github_token
  owner = "ministryofjustice-test"

To import an existing resource into the Terraform stack create an file and add import blocks. For example, to import an existing team repository association into the module,

import {
  to = module.<repository-name>.github_team_repository.<access-level>["<team-id>"]
  id = "<team_id>:<repository-name>"

import {
  to = module.example-repo.github_team_repository.admin["4192115"]
  id = "4192115:example-repo"

Here 4192115 is the team ID for the operations-engineering team in the ministryofjustice organisation.

Before trying to import resource you can first push your changes and inspect the Terraform plan (as detailed below). The Terraform plan output contains the correct resource and data source references required in the import block.

Push your changes to the remote repository and raise a PR. The PR will inititate a Terraform plan showing how your changes will affect the Terraform state. Once approved and merged into the main branch, the changes are applied to the Terraform state and the new repository is created in the specifed Ministry of Justice GitHub organisation.

This page was last reviewed on 3 February 2025. It needs to be reviewed again on 3 August 2025 by the page owner #operations-engineering-alerts .