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Managing RSS Feed Subscriptions in Slack

Adding a New RSS Feed Subscription

Purpose: To subscribe to a new RSS feed in the #operations-engineering-rss Slack channel.

When to Use: When a new relevant GitHub information source has been identified and needs to be added to the channel.


  1. Identify the RSS Feed URL: Ensure the URL is correct and active by testing it in an RSS reader or browser.

  2. Open Slack: Go to the #operations-engineering-rss channel in your Slack workspace.

  3. Use the Subscribe Command: In the message input box, type /feed subscribe <url> replacing <url> with the actual RSS feed URL.

  4. Confirm Subscription: Wait for Slack to confirm the subscription has been added. Verify by checking for a success message from the Slackbot or the feed integration bot.

  5. Document the Subscription: Record the subscription in the team’s feed management documentation with the URL and the date added.

Removing an RSS Feed Subscription

Purpose: To remove an existing RSS feed subscription from the #operations-engineering-rss Slack channel.

When to Use: When an RSS feed is no longer relevant or required, or if the feed is producing too much noise.


  1. Identify the Feed ID: Locate the ID of the feed you wish to remove. This can be found in the channel’s feed list or your team’s feed management documentation e.g. /feed list.

  2. Open Slack: Navigate to the #operations-engineering-rss channel in your Slack workspace.

  3. Use the Remove Command: In the message input box, type /feed remove <id> replacing <id> with the actual feed ID.

  4. Confirm Removal: Wait for Slack to confirm the feed has been removed. Confirm by looking for a success message from the Slackbot or the feed integration bot.

  5. Update Documentation: Amend the team’s feed management documentation to reflect the removal with the date it was removed.

This page was last reviewed on 9 May 2024. It needs to be reviewed again on 9 August 2024 by the page owner #operations-engineering-alerts .
This page was set to be reviewed before 9 August 2024 by the page owner #operations-engineering-alerts. This might mean the content is out of date.