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Changes to Nameserver Records involving GDS Domains Team

This runbook is created to help with planning and implementation of Nameserver record changes that will involve the GDS Domains Team. This would normally occur when we are migrating a service from one hosting platform to another.

This will typically be a service that has a domain name in the format, or

Check if this change will involve BT or direct engagement with the GDS Domains Team

There are two slightly different processes depending on where we manage our domains. If the domain is present in the BT-DNS portal, then this process will involve BT, otherwise change requests will need to be made to the GDS Domains Team.

Scheduling Changes

When scheduling cutovers with Service Teams you should ensure that teams are aware of a number of things:

  • Both GDS and BT have a 5 day SLA for change requests
  • When nameserver changes are made there could a 6 hour caching delay whilst the new nameservers take over management of DNS
  • Change involving BT cannot take place out of hours, and can only be implemeneted at two specific times of the day (09:07 and 15:07)

Replicate DNS records

To reduce the risk of ‘loss of service’ during the cutover, you should ensure that the current DNS set-up, wherever it is managed, is replicated in the new location, e.g. Cloud Platform AWS account Route53. When those DNS records have been replicated, you can raise a change request with BT or GDS.

Note - you don’t need to replicate NS and SOA records. These will be specific to the new platform.

DNS not managed via BT

If a domain is not in BT-DNS it will be managed directly the GDS Domains Team.

To arrange delegation to a new set of NS records you should email those details to In addition to the new nameserver details you should include some justification as to why the changes are required.

You will receive an acknowledgement email and zendesk reference. GDS will confirm when changes have been implemented.

Notify Service Team when changes have been completed.

DNS managed via BT

If a domain is in BT-DNS it will be managed via BT.

Before submitting a change request via the BT Portal you should read “BT DNS Change Process Pre-requisites”.

When you are ready you can submit new NS records via the BT-DNS.

You will receive an acknowledgement email and service desk reference. BT will confirm when changes have been implemented.

Notify Service Team when changes have been completed.

Tidy up

After the NS changes have been completed create a story to tidy up any DNS records in the MoJDSD account as required. If there are further migration steps after delegation you should work with the Service Team confirm when DNS records can be deleted.

This page was last reviewed on 5 June 2024. It needs to be reviewed again on 5 September 2024 by the page owner #operations-engineering-alerts .
This page was set to be reviewed before 5 September 2024 by the page owner #operations-engineering-alerts. This might mean the content is out of date.