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BT DNS Change Process Pre-requisites

This runbook provides a set of steps that should be followed to ensure that DNS changes to domains that are subject to Registry Lock go as smoothly as possible.

In our case we have a number of domains that are registered via BT which are subject to Registry Lock. This means that any changes to Nameserver records require verbal authorisation by the MoJ Operational Security (OST), via JISC who manage the second level domain on behalf of Cabinet Office.

Set an appropriate date for DNS changes to be implemented

Agree and appropriate change window with the change originator. You should allow up to 5 working days to make the various arrangements.

Changes to Registry Locked domains take place twice a day (at 10:07 and 15:07).

Do not schedule changes outside of normal working hours as JISC do not offer a service out of hours or at weekends.

Contact Operational Security

Prior to changes contact Operational Security to advise them of the changes that are being made. Also, depending in the schedule for changes request confirmation of who will be central point of contact that day and confirm their telephone contact details (mobile and/or landline). This number will be used by JISC on the day to gain approval for changes.

Contact GDS Domain Management

Prior to changes contact GDS Domain Management to get confirmation of the number they have registered as the Operational Security named contact. If it differs from the contact provided by OST, provide GDS will new details and advise then to contact JISC to update their records.

Raise change with BT

Now all the contact details should be up to date and OST are aware of scheduled changes. Raise the change request with BT via their portal. BT will implement changes and notify JISC, who in turn will contact OST for approval. BT will keep us notified of progress via

This page was last reviewed on 5 June 2024. It needs to be reviewed again on 5 September 2024 by the page owner #operations-engineering-alerts .
This page was set to be reviewed before 5 September 2024 by the page owner #operations-engineering-alerts. This might mean the content is out of date.