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Monthly Upload of Github User Data for JML4 Tool


This runbook relates to a trial of the JML4 Tool (JML = Joiners, Movers, Leavers). The JML4 Tool is a user account remediation tool that collates user data from multiple sources to identify leavers.

To use this tool we need to provide the Data Controller with a monthly extract of Github user data.

This runbook covers the data export from Github, and upload to Sharepoint processes. The Data Controller will process data from Sharepoint.

Frequency of process

This process is run on the last working day of each month. Data must be uploaded within 5 working days of the last day of the month.


  1. You must be a Github Owner to have permission to export user lists.
  2. You must have access to the Sharepoint folder used for data uploads.

Github User Data Exports

  1. Export a user list from Ministry of Justice organisation in .csv format

  2. Open the exported .csv file

  3. Insert a column before the current first column (login)

  4. Add the column heading Effective Date to the new first column

  5. For every populated row add todays date

  6. Delete the column headed tfa_required_by

  7. Save the file with the name Github MOJ.csv

  8. Repeat these step 1 to 6 for the MoJ Analytical Services Github organisation. Save the file with the name Github AP.csv

Upload Github Data to JML Sharepoint

  1. Go to the Ministry of Justice “Live” data folder

  2. Delete the existing Github MOJ.csv file that is in Sharepoint.

  3. Upload the new Github MOJ.csv created earlier.

  4. Go to the MoJ Analytical Services “Live” data folder

  5. Delete the existing Github AP.csv file that is in Sharepoint.

  6. Upload the new Github AP.csv created earlier.

This page was last reviewed on 8 April 2024. It needs to be reviewed again on 8 July 2024 by the page owner #operations-engineering-alerts .
This page was set to be reviewed before 8 July 2024 by the page owner #operations-engineering-alerts. This might mean the content is out of date.