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The Operations Engineering team have Admin permissions in CircleCI and may be called upon to help create and publish Orbs and setup Contexts.


We can log into CircleCI using our Github SSO credentials.

For GitHub Organisation Members to log into CircleCI they must have their MoJ email address as their primary email address in GitHub.

CircleCI uses a users Github MoJ Organisation membership to determine their CircleCI membership.

A CircleCI Organization Administrator is a permission level inherited from GitHub ie GitHub Organisation Owners.

A CircleCI Project Administrator is the user who adds a GitHub repository to CircleCI as a Project.

A CircleCI User is an individual user within an organization, inherited from GitHub ie GitHub Organisation Members.


To login to CircleCI:

  1. Navigate to CircleCI
  2. Click Application at the top right of the page
  3. Click ‘Log in with GitHub’
  4. Select ‘ministryofjustice’

Owner API Token

As Owners we can generate CircleCI API tokens that can be shared with other users for use in Contexts and Orbs.

In your personal CircleCI settings page look for the section called ‘Personal API Tokens’ or the link here.

Create an API token and it will display the public key value.

That API Token can be used in contexts, orbs or as an argument to the CircleCI CLI tool.


An intro about CircleCI orbs can be found here.

The Orbs page is found within the CircleCI Organisation settings page. This will list the Orbs in use.

An MoJ Orb example repository.

Creation and publishing of Orbs is restricted to Github Organisation Owners.

The users who can create an Orb are listed on this Github Organisation page.

CircleCI has a CLI that the above Organisation Owners can use to create and publish an Orb.

Non Organisation Owner users can only publish a Development Orb.

To get around this, ie the Owners being involved, we can place an Owner generated API Token value into a Environment Variable within a Context. See the next section.


A non Organisation Owner user can use the CircleCI CLI tool with an Owner generated token to create and publish an Orb. This means directly sharing the Owners Token with the other user/s.


An intro about CircleCI Contexts can be found here.

The Context page is found within the CircleCI Organisation settings page.

When creating a Context the format is team_name - repo or project_name - preproduction or staging or dev or production or live or uat.

A Context has Security Groups and Environment Variables.

A Security Group resticts the Context to a specific GH team.

An Environment Variable is a key/value pair to store secrets and environment data that can be used in CI runs.

An Environment Variable example would be AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID.

We can store an Owner generated API Token value into a Environment Variable within the Context. This will enable that project Owner permissions to create and publish an Orb individually of an Owner involvement.


Create a personal API token for other teams to publish their own Orbs.

Have created a Context called laa-cla-orbs-token with a Security Group containing LAA Get Access (GH team) and an Environment Variable called CIRCLE_TOKEN which takes the personal token generated above.

This is enough permissions for the team to then publish the Orb from a GH repo.


User Slack channel: #circleci-users Access help channel: #ask-operations-engineering Troubleshooting guide: CircleCI Troubleshooting

This page was last reviewed on 5 February 2025. It needs to be reviewed again on 5 May 2025 by the page owner #operations-engineering-alerts .